Explore ADF Outputs#

Check the ADF output#

If your ADF run completes there are a couple ways to explore the output plots


If the ADF ran successfully, we can navigate to where we set the diagnostic plots output:

 On a CISL machine, navigate to the root ADF directory


 Then go to where you assigned the cam_diag_plot_loc location in the run-time config file





If you choose to create HTML files you can publish those to a web server. In the diagnostics plotting location (cam_diag_plot_loc) you set in the run-time config file, a website directory exists where all the html and css files are saved.

├── plots
│   └── <test case>_<start year>_<end year>_vs_<baseline case>_<start year>_<end year>
│       └── website
│           ├── assets
│           ├── html_img
│           ├── html_table
│           └── templates

Example: If you have a project page on a CGD machine like Tungsten, it is a simple secure copy of files to the server:

 Navigate to the cam_diag_plot_loc location and copy all the files from the website directory to the server address:

 For Tungsten:   scp -r website/* tungsten.cgd.ucar.edu:/path/to/your/project/page/